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Key Person Life Insurance and Million Dollar Legs

Written by David Ross | Fri, Feb 07, 2014

What do Legs Have to do with Key Person Life Insurance?

We’ve all heard stories about celebrities insuring various body parts for ridiculous sums of money - most famously, Betty Grable’s legs were insured for a million dollars. Why would anyone insure such a thing? The fact of the matter is, her studio made a lot of money off of Betty Grable’s appearances, and a large part of her appeal were her fabulous gams. If her legs had been marred in any way, her ability to sell movies and posters would’ve been greatly reduced.   

Now, think about this.  Are there any parts – such as key person - of your business that, if lost, would significantly impact your bottom line?

Who is a Key Person?

A key person in your company is like Betty Grable’s legs. That person could be one of your executives, your best salesperson, your gem of an office manager who keeps things running smoothly, or an old hand who knows where all the skeletons are buried (figuratively, of course!). A key person is any employee who, if he/she suddenly passed away or became unable to work, would cause your business to struggle. Look around your office – who couldn’t your business afford to lose?

The Vulnerability of Small Businesses and the Need for Key Person Insurance

Getting Key Person Life Insurance is especially vital for small businesses, both because they generally have a thinner line between success and failure, and because they have smaller workforces. A giant firm with offices all over the country may not have any employees who are irreplaceable; since they are all tiny cogs in a giant machine with many redundancies, while a small company with only a few employees has less overlap in responsibilities.

With a small workforce, employees often have unique and specialized knowledge and connections that may not be easily replaced. Also, for businesses just starting out, if one of the partners has an accident, the poor fledgling company would be doomed to fail unless there was some kind of cushion. That cushion could be a Key Person Life Insurance policy.

Grieve without the Worry

Of course, the loss of any employee’s life - regardless of how essential they were to your business - is an awful thing to contemplate. A Key Person Life Insurance policy can allow you to grieve, without the worry of how you’re going to be able to keep the company afloat until you find or train a replacement.

Is Key Person Life Insurance Right for Your Business?

If you have people who are as valuable to your business as Betty Grable’s legs were to her, contact American Insuring Group at (610) 775-3848 or (800) 947-1270 for information on Key Person Life Insurance policies for your business!