Understanding Commercial Insurance Can be One Tough Job!
Being a small business owner today is a tough job! Between rules and regulations, licenses and taxes, and banking and commercial insurance, it sometimes seems you need your own board of directors just to help manage your business!
At American Insuring Group, Small Business Insurance is our specialty. We can help you, the business owner, understand not only what commerical insurance protection your company needs, but also what business insurance is required of you to satisfy legal requirements.
Our office represents over a dozen "A" rated general insurance companies that specialize in small business insurance and we have access to dozens more specialty commercial insurance companies that fill specific small business insurance needs for our clients.
So How Many Types of Liability Insurance Are There?
The commercial insurance needs for a business owner can be daunting. First, there is Public Liability Insurance that is a must to protect the business from lawsuits and claims for injuries or property damage to others. But Public Liability Insurance isn't that simple. What type of liability insurance protection do I need? Is Premises Liability Insurance enough? What if I leave my business location and go to someone else's home or business location? Does my Liability Insurance cover me there as well? What about when I finish a job and leave? Do I have Completed Operations coverage if sometime later, after the job is finished, someone is hurt by my work or property damage is caused?
Are you a business owner who makes something, sells something, or just handles products someone else makes? Do you have Product Liability Insurance coverage included in your General Liability Insurance coverage? What if you harm someone's reputation or cause someone to lose sales, and they look to you for compensation? Personal or Advertising Injury Liability coverage protects the business owner from these claims.
What if an employee claims that you fired them under false pretense? Or they make an allegation of harassment against you? Employment Practices Liability Insurance is the protection that any business owner who employs someone must have to be protected.
There are many extentions of Public Liability Insurance the business owner should understand and use to be protected from the unexpected. At American Insuring Group LTD., our licensed agents have the understanding and experience in Commercial Insurance to help you determine your insurance risks and to identify the insurance solutions to properly cover your businss.
Workers Compensation Insurance - Are You Operating Legally?
Then, there is Workers Compensation Insurance for the small business that employs people. Most states require the business owner to cover employees for work related injuries. What if you are a corporation without any employees? States consider a corporation to be its own entity, and even you, the owner (officer), are considered an employee. Therefore you must either have Workers Compensation Insurance coverage or have the proper exclusion paperwork filed with the Department of Labor and Industry. At American Insuring Group, our licensed staff can help you with all the forms necesasary to be legal.
Not only does Worker Compensation Insurance cover medical bills and lost wages for employees who get hurt during working hours, but there is a second business insurance coverage that is included with most policies. Employer's Liability Insurance covers the business owner if an employee presents a claim against his employer for alleged negligence for his injuries. An example of this is an employee who cuts off his finger on a machine. Workers Compensation Insurance would pay medical bills and lost wages, but if he claims the business did not properly maintain the equipment and now he must live life without a finger, the business owner would have protection from such a lawsuit under Employer's Liability Insurance.
Liability Insurance and Worker's Compensation Insurance covers only some of the insurance needs for the business owner. Other types of coverage include: Property Insurance protection, Van Insurance for your business vehicles, Umbrella Insurance for excess insurance protection, Bonding for the contractor's needs and Group Medical Benefits for your employees.
We Can Help You Make the Right Liability Insurance Decisions for Your Business
At American Insuring Group LTD, we take the time to understand your business so we can make sure every exposure to risk is discussed and covered by our small business insurance policies. Call us today at 800-947-1270 or email me at david@aigltd.com. I would love to meet or talk to you and help you understand your business insurance needs. If you already are covered by insurance, a second opinion may often uncover coverage gaps or missing insurance coverage that is needed.