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Passenger Accident Insurance

Posted by David Ross on Sat, Feb 01, 2025

Contact us for car passenger insurance in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Erie, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, Reading, and throughout PA.

Passenger car accident insurance provides financial protection for passengers in the event of injuries sustained during a vehicle accident. This insurance typically offers benefits for various losses, including accidental death, disability, and medical expenses.

Here is what you should know about this coverage:

Coverage Benefits

Passenger accident insurance provides financial protection in case of injuries or fatalities resulting from an accident while traveling. It typically covers medical expenses like hospital stays, surgeries, and rehabilitation. Additionally, it offers compensation for accidental death or dismemberment, providing a lump sum to beneficiaries.

Some policies include benefits for temporary or permanent disability, helping with loss of income during recovery. The insurance ensures that passengers are financially supported during unforeseen circumstances, reducing the burden on their families. Coverage may vary based on the policy, so it’s essential to understand the specific terms and conditions.

Premium Costs

The premiums for passenger accident insurance can vary based on several factors, including the level of coverage you choose. Higher benefits typically result in higher premiums. The insurer could also evaluate the frequency and duration of your travel and the modes of transportation you use.

Personal factors like age, health status, previous claims history, geographic locations, and travel destinations can also impact premiums, particularly if traveling to high-risk areas. It's best to compare different policy options to find one that balances coverage needs with budget constraints.

What is Covered Under Passenger Accident Insurance?

Passenger accident insurance typically covers a range of injuries and losses that may occur to passengers during vehicle accidents. The specific coverage can vary depending on the policy and provider, but generally includes:

Medical Expenses

  • Emergency medical treatment
  • Hospital stays and surgeries
  • Ambulance services
  • Follow-up doctor visits
  • Prescription medications
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation

Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)

  • Lump-sum payment for accidental death
  • Benefits for loss of limbs, eyesight, hearing, or speech
  • Paralysis coverage

Disability Benefits

  • Temporary total disability payments
  • Permanent disability compensation
  • Lost wages or income replacement

Additional Coverage

Daily Hospital Benefits: Some policies provide a fixed daily amount for hospital stays, such as $240 per day for hospitalization due to a private passenger automobile accident.

Travel-related Expenses: In some cases, especially for travel accident insurance, coverage may include:

  • Trip cancellation or interruption
  • Lost or delayed baggage
  • Emergency evacuation

Dental Injuries: Treatment for dental injuries resulting from the accident.

Coverage Limits and Variations

  • Policies often have maximum payout limits for different injuries or losses.
  • Some insurance plans may offer additional benefits like funeral expenses or childcare costs.
  • Coverage can vary based on the type of vehicle (e.g., private car, commercial truck, public transportation).

It's important to note that passenger accident insurance is designed to complement, not replace, other forms of insurance, such as health insurance or auto insurance. The coverage is specifically for accidents related to being a passenger in a vehicle and may have exclusions for specific situations or pre-existing conditions.

Contact Us for the Best Prices on Vehicle Insurance!

We are independent brokers here at American Insuring Group. Our agents shop the market for the best quality insurance rates that match your needs! Call us today at (610) 775-3848 or contact us online for the best passenger insurance and vehicle insurance rates!

Tags: Car Insurance

Windshield Glass Coverage

Posted by David Ross on Sat, Nov 30, 2024

Call us to add windshield coverage to your auto or vehicle insurance policy in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading, and throughout PAToday, auto insurance windshield coverage may extend beyond mere glass protection. With new cars featuring integrated cameras and safety sensors, windshields now play a more significant role in vehicle safety systems. Vehicle owners should understand the complexities of windshield insurance to ensure comprehensive coverage and address potential high repair costs.

Types of Windshield Coverage

Windshield coverage usually falls under two main types: comprehensive and full glass. Comprehensive coverage includes various non-collision damages, such as theft, vandalism, and natural disasters, and it often provides windshield damage. However, a deductible may apply.

On the other hand, full glass coverage specifically covers damages to the windshield and other vehicle glass without a deductible, though it might involve a slightly higher premium.

Coverage specifics can vary by state or region, with some areas mandating particular inclusions or offering additional options. Understanding these coverage types helps you select the proper protection for your windshield.

Advanced Technology in New Car Windshields

Vehicle windshields have evolved to become integral components of advanced safety systems. New cars often feature windshields embedded with cameras and sensors crucial for lane departure warnings, adaptive cruise control, and automatic emergency braking. These technologies, part of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), enhance driving safety by providing real-time data to help prevent accidents.

However, including such advanced technology affects the complexity and cost of windshield replacement or repair. When a windshield with these features is damaged, simply replacing the glass is insufficient. The sensors and cameras require precise recalibration to ensure they function accurately, maintaining the vehicle's safety standards.

Consequently, insurance considerations must account for these high-tech elements, as improper handling can compromise safety. When dealing with replacements or repairs, selecting a qualified service provider with expertise in ADAS is critical. Understanding these complexities ensures proper coverage and optimal vehicle performance.

Insurance Considerations for High-Tech Windshields

Auto insurance policies should address the advanced technology embedded within modern windshields, focusing on coverage inclusions for cameras and sensors integral to safety systems like ADAS. This means ensuring comprehensive or full glass coverage explicitly includes costs for such sophisticated components and the necessary post-replacement recalibration.

When filing claims, it’s crucial to verify if the insurance covers both the replacement and the precise recalibration required for these systems to function correctly, as inadequate calibrations can lead to on-road safety risks.

Moreover, insurers may have specific requirements for repair or replacement providers, emphasizing the need to select service centers with expertise in handling technology-enhanced windshields.

Additionally, some insurers offer dedicated rider options for high-tech windshield coverage to address these needs comprehensively. Awareness of these coverage specifics can help policyholders avoid unexpected costs and ensure continued safety on the road.

Contact Us for the Best Prices on Vehicle Insurance!

We are independent brokers here at American Insuring Group. Our agents shop the market for the best insurance rates for coverage that meets your needs! Call us today at (610) 775-3848 or contact us online for the best windshield coverage and vehicle insurance rates!

Tags: Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Car Insurance, Commercial Auto Insurance

Car Insurance Tip: 5 Ways to Avoid Distracted Driving

Posted by David Ross on Mon, Jun 12, 2017

Distracted Driving may result in accidents that increase the cost of your car insurance.

Distracted driving accidents can raise your car insurance rates. Contact us to get the best rates on auto insurance in Reading, Lancsater, Philadelphia, Allentown, PA and beyond.It has probably been around since the first person sat behind the wheel of a Model T Ford in 1908. But as life seems to have hit break-neck (no pun intended) speed and multi-tasking has become a part of daily living, distracted driving has become the norm rather than the exception. And, of course, the number of deaths caused by teen texting has brought distracted driving to the forefront.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines distracted driving as “driving while doing another activity that takes your attention away from driving.” That activity could be texting, eating, or even changing the radio station. The CDC defines three main types of distractions: Visual: taking your eyes off the road; Manual: taking your hands off the wheel; and Cognitive: taking your mind off of driving. The bottom line is that distracted driving is dangerous.

Distracted Driving Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving took the lives of 3,477 people in 2015 alone. “Each day in the United States, over eight people are killed and 1,161 injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted driver,” the CDC says. “In 2013, nearly one in five crashes (18%) in which someone was injured involved distracted driving.” The NHTSA reports that “teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes.”

Many states and government entities have put laws into place to help decrease distracted driving caused by texting and cell phone use, but the effectiveness of these laws is still unclear, so it’s up to you as a driver and a parent to decrease driving distractions.

Talk to Your Teen Drivers About the Risks and Costs of Distracted Driving

As a parent, you should talk to your teens about good driving habits, the responsibilities that come with driving and the consequences distracted driving can cause, including not only their safety, but their accident history and the cost impact on their future automobile insurance rates. And the best way to teach them… lead by example and never drive distracted.

Safe driving requires your full attention, and most distractions are avoidable; although some do take a little bit of planning and self-control. It’s up to you to take control and eliminate distractions so that you can focus on the road.

Here are 5 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving

  1. Concentrate on the road and your driving. This tip may seem overly simple and obvious, but many - if not most - of us need to be reminded of this every once in a while.

  2. Prepare for driving. Set your GPS, music, seats, mirrors, etc. before you put your car into drive. Also, eat and get dressed (yes, even your lipstick) before you get on the road.

  3. Store loose gear, possessions, and other distractions out of sight, so you aren’t tempted. Only use cell phones in emergencies and NEVER text, email, or use the internet while driving.

  4. Make sure all children and pets are secure before setting out.

  5. If you need to attend to any activity – making a phone call, eating, taking care of a child, etc. - other than driving, pull off the road somewhere safe.

The American Automobile Association (AAA) says, “As a general rule, if you cannot devote your full attention to driving because of some other activity, it’s a distraction. Take care of it before or after your trip, not while behind the wheel.”

Get The Best Auto Insurance At The Best Rates Right Here

Nobody should pay more than they need to for quality car insurance. As independent agents, we're free to shop among lots of competing auto insurance providers to get you the right PA car insurance at a great price whether you're in Reading, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Allentown, Pittsburgh, Erie or beyond! So contact American Insuring Group online or call us at (800) 947-1270 or (610) 775-3848.

Tags: Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA

Safe Winter Driving Tips to Avoid a Car Insurance Claim

Posted by David Ross on Mon, Mar 13, 2017

Following safe winter driving tips can avoid accidents and reduce your auto insurance rates. Contact us to save in car insurance in Reading, Allentown, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA and beyond.Higher accident rates go hand-in-hand with higher car insurance premiums. It goes without saying that winter driving conditions are the most challenging for drivers. Statistics show that nearly twenty-five percent of all weather-related crashes involve icy roads, snow, or slush. That’s because drivers can’t see as well, and slowing down and stopping on time can be compromised by road conditions.

Ideally, everyone would stay off the roads during these dangerous conditions, but that isn’t always possible. So, if you must travel during winter weather, follow these winter driving safety tips. Preparing your vehicle—and yourself—before and during the trip will remove some of the stress of driving under adverse conditions. It will also put the odds of returning safely in your favor!

Before you go

Before you venture on to those snow-covered roads, put together a vehicle survival kit, which includes an ice scraper, a snow shovel, and some salt. You will then be prepared for the storm that blows in when you’re away from home. Also, check your tires. Properly inflated tires with good tread are a must on slick roads. If you usually use snow tires, have them on your vehicle before the first snow arrives.

Fill up your gas tank at the start of your trip, and don’t let it fall below half. If you are stuck or stranded, you’ll want to have plenty of gas to run your engine and keep warm. Also, check your wiper blades and replace them if they’re streaking your windshield. It’s hard driving in slippery conditions; it’s even harder if you don’t have a clear look at the road. And don’t forget to fill your windshield fluid reservoir—it will help you clear snow and ice from your windshield.

Charge your phone before you leave. It’s a good idea to sign up for weather alerts texted to your phone, but it’s not a good idea to check them while you’re driving.

Driving tips while on the road

If your vehicle has been setting outside, clean it off before you leave. And that means clean everything: windows, mirrors, all lights, roof, hood, and trunk. Always drive with your headlights on and keep them clean to improve visibility. Be extra careful in areas where snow banks limit your view of oncoming traffic.

When you’re on the road, keep in mind that speed limits don’t apply to roads that are covered with snow and ice. Slow down and increase your following distance. Maintain as much control of your car as possible by avoiding cruise control in slippery conditions. Bridges and overpasses are the first surfaces to become icy, so use caution when you’re crossing them. Accelerate gently and brake with extra caution. Don’t pass snow plows and salt trucks. The road is much safer behind them than in front of them. Remember, safer driving means less chance of incurring an auto insurance claim, injury or worse.

If you get stuck

If you get stuck, stay with your car. You could get lost in a heavy snow if you set out on foot. Bundle up and sit tight. You can run the car heater for 10 minutes every hour. Just make sure your exhaust pipe is clear of snow. You don’t want deadly carbon monoxide seeping into your vehicle because snow has blocked the pipe. Be extra safe by cracking your window to prevent any buildup.

Winter driving is always challenging. If you must be on the road, remember these tips

  • Drive slowly
  • Give yourself more time to stop
  • Pay attention to the road
  • Always wear your seat belt

If it’s possible, err on the side of caution. If you aren’t sure it’s safe to drive, wait until you are sure.

The Right Car Insurance Can Pay Off - Contact Us!

Follow these safe winter driving tips to avoid an accident. Contact us for help in selecting the best car insurance.Sadly, sometimes accidents are unavoidable. They just happen. If you are involved in an accident this winter, you’ll be glad you had the right insurance.

If you'd like an insurance review for your car, truck, RV, motorcycle or boat, contact American Insuring Group online, or give us a call at (800) 947-1270 or (610) 775-3848 to learn more about how we can reduce your auto insurance rates.

As independent insurance agents, we're free to shop the market to find you the right protection at the best price. Contact us today.

Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, Safe Driving Tips

What is Commercial Auto Insurance?

Posted by David Ross on Tue, Sep 22, 2015

Commercial auto insurance and personal auto insurance are two completely different things – mainly because a commercial vehicle faces more risks and needs more protection than a personal vehicle.

PA Commercial Auto Insurance requirements defined. Serving the car insurance needs of Philadelphia, Reading, Allentown, Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, Lebanon, Erie, Pittsburgh, State College, PA and beyond.Commercial auto insurance is designed to protect you, your employees, your vehicle, your equipment, your business (in the event of a lawsuit), and other individuals. It has some of the same coverages as personal insurance, but usually includes higher liability coverage and additional add-ons not offered with personal auto insurance.

If you are conducting business in a vehicle that is only covered by personal auto insurance and that vehicle is involved in an accident, you risk having your claim denied.

State and Federal Insurance Requirements for Your Personal or Commercial Vehicle

Each state has different requirements, but nearly all of them require that any registered vehicle be covered by – at least – liability insurance, and some states require that you purchase uninsured motorist coverage and no-fault car insurance. Pennsylvania is one of those states, and these requirements – and often more - apply to your commercial vehicle.

If you transport hazardous materials or you transport goods or passengers from state to state, you are also subject to federal requirements for commercial auto insurance. For instance: a commercial vehicle carrying 16 or more passengers across state lines is required to have $5 million of insurance and a vehicle carrying less than 15 passengers across state lines is required to carry at least $1.5 million of insurance.

Often, you will find that insurance companies will only sell you policies that include coverage that is higher than the state’s minimum requirements for personal vehicles, because providing coverage for a commercial vehicle increases the risk. Plus, financial intuitions may require additional coverage.

Do you need commercial auto insurance?

If you own or lease a fleet of vehicles, you probably understand that you need commercial auto insurance, but even if you own just one of the following vehicles and use it for business purposes, you should have commercial vehicle insurance:

  • Trucks – dump trucks, refrigerator trucks, etc.
  • Vehicles outfitted with work equipment
  • Utility vans
  • Limousines
  • Taxicabs
  • Flatbeds

You might be surprised to learn that you should also have commercial insurance for a “regular” car, pick-up truck, or SUV if any of these circumstances apply:

  • You use a vehicle or vehicles for your profession or business (other than commuting to work)
  • The vehicle is owned or leased by a business, partnership, or other corporation
  • The vehicle is equipped with…
    • Snowplowing equipment.
    • Cooking or catering equipment.
    • Bathrooms.
    • Altered suspensions.
    • Hydraulic lifts.
    • Racing equipment.
  • The vehicle is consistently driven by you or your employees for both business and personal use.

Add-on insurance to consider for your commercial vehicle:

  • Collision: This covers your vehicle for damage incurred in a collision/accident.

  • Comprehensive Insurance: This covers you if your vehicle is damaged by something other than a collision, such as theft, fire, or vandalism.

  • PIP and medical payments coverages: Personal injury protection (PIP) and medical payments coverages help take care of expenses, such as the loss of wages, incurred when you and/or your passengers are injured in an accident.

  • Emergency roadside insurance: If you’re battery dies, you get a flat tire, need your car towed, run out of gas, or lock yourself out of the car, this insurance can come in handy.

  • Personal effects insurance:  This insurance covers your personal belongings in the event of a theft.

Contact Us for the Right Commercial Vehicle Insurance 

Contact us for all your commercial vehicle insurance needs in PA and beyond.If you want to protect your employees, your vehicle, your equipment, your business, and other individuals, give us a call at (800) 947-1270 or (610) 775-3848 or click here to contact us.

As independent insurance agents, we can help determine the right auto insurance at the right price for your vehicle by shopping among competing insurance carriers. Click or call today.

Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Van Insurance, Car Insurance Lancaster PA, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, Affordable Car Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance

8 Auto Insurance Myths Debunked

Posted by David Ross on Tue, Sep 08, 2015

Car insurance myths. Learn more from American Insuring Group, providing auto insurance in Reading, Philadelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, Lebanon, Pittsburgh, Erie, PA and beyond.Most drivers are aware that the rates they pay for auto insurance are a result of factors such as their driving record, the type of car, van, truck or RV they own, the distance of their commute, and various demographics like their age and gender.

But there are also lots of myths about vehicle insurance that, in some cases, could end up costing them substantially more than the premium.

Let's shine the light of truth and dispel all 8 myths right now!


Auto Insurance Myth #1:
A Red Car is the Most Expensive to Insure

Although this myth has persisted for many years, there is no basis for it. The sticker price of your car, its safety record, the cost to repair it, and the likelihood of theft are all considered in the premium. The color makes no difference. Simply put, the premium on a silver Mercedes 260E will be higher than on a red Honda Civic.

Auto Insurance Myth #2:
Older Drivers Pay More to Insure their Vehicles

The truth is that senior drivers (usually 55 and over) have the opportunity for discounts that may not be available to younger drivers. Both AAA and AARP offer defensive driving courses for mature drivers. These may be taken online and, upon successful completion, could result in as much as a 10% reduction in your vehicle insurance premium.

Auto Insurance Myth #3:
When it Comes to Car Insurance, Credit Score is not Important

Actually, it is very important. Almost every insurance company uses a credit-based insurance score to determine eligibility and premium rates, and it is based, in whole or in part, on the information found in your consumer credit report. For most people, a good credit score will translate into lower insurance rates and vice versa.

Auto Insurance Myth #4:
If Your Car is Stolen, Damaged, or Vandalized, You Will be Covered

Not necessarily. Comprehensive vehicle insurance, which covers theft, vandalism, and an array of non-collision damages to your car, is optional coverage. Many drivers choose not to carry this on an older car as a way of saving money. Keep in mind that if a car is to be fully protected, both collision and comprehensive coverage need to be in force.

Auto Insurance Myth #5:
The Minimum Amount of Auto Liability Insurance Required by Law is Sufficient

State minimum liability requirements don’t come close to covering the cost of a serious accident. The old idiom “penny wise and pound foolish” applies here. Saving a few dollars a year on inadequate coverage may end up costing thousands more. Actual liability coverage limits should be four to six times higher than the state minimum.

Auto Insurance Myth #6:
If Someone Else Drives Your Car, Their Insurance Will Cover Them in an Accident

In most states, car insurance travels with the vehicle. So remember, if you’re loaning out your car, you’re agreeing to take responsibility for that driver. Your rates may be at risk if the driver has an accident.

Auto Insurance Myth #7:
Members of the Military Pay More for Insurance

This is not the case. In fact, many insurance companies offer savings to active members and veterans of the armed forces and their families. This makes sense since, statistically, members of all branches of the armed services are responsible, law abiding and safe – all traits that make them a lower risk.

Auto Insurance Myth #8:
Personal Insurance Covers Both Personal and Commercial Use of Your Vehicle

Proceed with caution here. If you are self-employed and use your vehicle under a personal policy, you risk having a claim denied. The rules that determine what constitutes commercial vehicle insurance vs. personal insurance use are complex. Make sure you are covered under the proper policy for your situation.

Get the Facts - Get the Best Car Insurance to Meet Your Needs and Budget

Contact us for the right PA auto insurance at the right price.Now that we've dispelled some common myths of auto insurance, give us a call to learn more at (800) 947-1270 or (610) 775-3848, or click here to contact us. We'll help you obtain reasonable premiums without sacrificing vital coverage.

We're independent agents who offer car insurance policies from competing insurance companies. That means we can find you the best insurance at the best price. We've been serving the vehicle insurance needs of Reading, Philadelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Pittsburgh, Erie, PA and beyond for over 25 years. Call today. 

Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Van Insurance, Car Insurance Lancaster PA, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, RV Insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, Affordable Car Insurance

Reduce Commercial Vehicle Insurance Rates with Better Maintenance

Posted by David Ross on Wed, Aug 20, 2014

Commercial vehicle insurance can be affected by how well you maintain your vehicle fleetWhether your company owns one commercial vehicle or an entire fleet of vehicles, regular vehicle maintenance is one of the best things you can do to protect your employees, your property, and your business.

As a bonus, any time you reduce risk you reduce the chance of incurring an insurance claim, which ultimately can help lower your commercial vehicle insurance and other business insurance rates.

Here's How:

  • Regular maintenance can help prolong the life of your vehicle and allow it to operate more efficiently. 
  • Regular maintenance also helps ensure the safety of your employees and can help cut down on insurance claims.
  • Many state and U.S. regulations require a preventive vehicle maintenance program, including a structured record-keeping system.  Non-compliance of these regulations can lead to strict penalties, including hefty fines. 


Commercial Vehicle Compliance

Before initiating an internal vehicle maintenance plan, you should understand federal commercial vehicle requirements. Every year, the Commercial Safety Vehicle Alliance (CSVA) conducts approximately four million commercial motor vehicle inspections throughout North America.  These inspections focus on vehicle mechanical safety, traffic enforcement, cargo securement and regional rules and regulations.  Any vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds, including the weight of a trailer, may be subject to these random road checks.

Developing a Better Commercial Vehicle Preventive Maintenance Program

In addition to complying with federal regulations, it’s also a good idea to create a formal preventive maintenance program that includes a daily pre- and post-drive checklist.  This helps insure that drivers share some of the vehicle maintenance responsibility and that the day-to-day safety requirements are met. 

Where to Begin

A good place to start is the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website. FMCSA’s “A Motor Carrier’s Guide to IMPROVING HIGHWAY SAFETY” is a great resource.  It includes lots of information and record-keeping forms.

With a preventive maintenance plan in place and knowledge of federal and state regulations, your one commercial vehicle or your entire fleet will be ready for the road. 

Reduce Risk & Save Money with the Right Commercial Vehicle Insurance

American Insuring Group’s independence and high standards allow us to provide the best commercial vehicle insurance rates and high-quality insurance protection for your commercially used car, van, truck, or fleet.  Contact us at (800) 947-1270 or (610) 775-3848 to learn more.


Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Van Insurance, Car Insurance Lancaster PA, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, truck insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, Affordable Car Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance

Personal vs. Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Posted by David Ross on Mon, Jun 02, 2014

You need commercial vehicle insurance if you have a business-related accident. In those cases personal vehicle insurance will not cover the accident. Call us to learn more about commercial car, truck, and fleet insurance for your business. Serving Reading, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Erie, Altoona, York, Allentown, Pittsurgh, PA and beyond.Picture this: a pizza delivery guy, a shuttle driver (sole-proprietor of the business), and an independent landscaping contractor collide into each other at the intersection of First and Main.

As they all get out of their vehicles to examine the damage, the delivery man asks, “Do you guys have commercial vehicle insurance?”   Both drivers shake their heads no.  “Do you?” asks the shuttle driver.  The delivery man looks down at his feet, and says, “No, but I’ve been meaning to talk to my insurance agent about it.” 

Insurance Claim Denied

In this scenario, chances are that all three would hear the same answer from their insurance agent, “Sorry, but your personal vehicle insurance won’t cover this accident.”  

If you own a fleet of vehicles and hire many drivers, you probably know you need commercial vehicle insurance.  But what if you just use your personal vehicle for business occasionally, or it’s just you driving your truck from job to job?   Won’t personal car insurance cover you in the event of an accident?  It depends. 

Like personal vehicle insurance, commercial vehicle insurance covers things such as liability, collision, comprehensive, medical payments, and uninsured motorist coverage. However, there may be a difference in eligibility, definitions, coverage, exclusions, and limits. Certain business usage and vehicle types can be excluded from personal policies. Some businesses need coverage only found in commercial car and truck insurance. 

Commercial Vehicle Insurance Benefits

Commercial vehicle insurance generally includes higher liability coverage.  Sometimes commercial insurance also insures the items (such as work equipment) within your vehicle; it may include rental reimbursement to help cover the cost to temporarily replace a commercial vehicle; and it may offer single-deductible options, which allow you to extend coverage to trailers or other specialized equipment you haul. 

So, how do you know if you need commercial vehicle insurance or if personal vehicle insurance is enough? It depends on the nature of your business, how you use your vehicle, and your insurance company’s policies.  Here are a few questions you need to consider - if you answer yes to any of them, you may need commercial car insurance.

·       Is your vehicle used to transport goods or people for a fee?

·       Is your vehicle owned or leased by a partnership or corporation?

·       Is your vehicle registered or titled to a business, corporation, partnership, or DBA?

·       Do employees operate your vehicle?

·       Is your vehicle a pickup, van, or utility vehicle with a gross weight exceeding 10,000 pounds or does it have a rated load capacity over 2,000 pounds?

·       Is your vehicle equipped with snowplow equipment, cooking or catering equipment, bathrooms, altered suspensions, hydraulic lifts, or racing equipment?

·       Is your vehicle equipped with a ladder rack or permanent toolbox that is used for your business?


Don't Take Chances on Insurance for Your Commercial Vehicle - Contact Us Today

Contact us to make the right decision on your commercial or personal vehicle insurance needs and coverage.Personal vehicle insurance provides enough coverage for some businesses; however, there are times when commercial vehicle insurance is required.  If you don’t want to be like the pizza delivery driver, the shuttle driver, or the independent landscaping contractor in our story, contact us for advice in making the right insurance decision at (800) 947-1270 or (610)775-3848.  We'll help you obtain the right type and level of vehicle insurance for your business. 

Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Car Insurance Lancaster PA, Commercial Vehicle Insurance, truck insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, commercial vehicle insuarance, Business Insurance

What You Should Know About GAP Insurance for Your Car or Business

Posted by David Ross on Tue, May 14, 2013

GAP insurance refers both to Guaranteed Asset Protection and Guaranteed Auto Protection. In both cases it is designed to cover the difference (or gap) between the actual cash value of an asset and the amount still owed on the related loan or lease.  While, strictly speaking, GAP insurance may apply to any type of asset, the vast majority of GAP insurance policies are written for cars, trucks, vans, and other types of vehicles.

Why Bother With GAP Insurance?

GAP insurance advice as supplemental car or business insurance for Reading PA, Philadelphia, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, Allentown, Pennsylvania and beyond.GAP insurance may be a wise choice in cases where a low down payment has been made, and on high-interest loans of 60 months or more. It is often offered by finance companies at time of purchase, and by auto insurance companies.  This loan scenario frequently applies to vehicle purchases, which is why the term “GAP insurance” most often refers to added insurance protection for a vehicle.


GAP Insurance Considerations When Buying a New Car or Other Vehicle

Cars, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles are assets that depreciate rapidly in value. In cases where a low down payment is made on the initial purchase, it is common for the amount remaining on the loan to exceed the fair value of the car.  This is because cars often lose up to half their retail within 3 years from the purchase date, at which time the remaining loan may far exceed that amount. If your car becomes stolen or is totaled, the replacement value you receive from the insurance company may be far less than the amount remaining on the loan. In such cases a GAP insurance policy would cover the difference. If you would be unable to cover the difference without GAP insurance in such cases, or if this would represent a significant financial hardship, then GAP insurance may be right for you.

How to Get GAP Insurance for Your Vehicle

GAP insurance may be purchased from an insurance agent or through a car dealership. GAP insurance coverage is often financed as part of the loan or lease, and typically comes into play when a vehicle is subject to a total loss. Some finance companies require GAP insurance when financing a loan. 

How to Save on GAP Insurance

We suggest checking first with your independent insurance agent before signing a GAP policy related to a vehicle purchase. Your independent agent may be able to save you money by adding this coverage to your vehicle insurance policy rather than taking out a separate policy through your car dealership. To learn more about getting the right GAP Insurance for your vehicle, call us at 610-775-3848 or use the Contact Us form.

GAP Insurance for Your Business

When it comes to insuring your business “GAP insurance” refers to Guaranteed Asset Protection, and often comes in the form of a “guaranteed replacement cost” or “agreed value” insurance policy. In such cases your business property is insured for an amount that is guaranteed in advance regardless of what the market value may be at the time of your claim.  This speeds the time to settle your claim, and may help you sleep better at night.

To learn more about the many commercial insurance options for your business, call us at 610-775-3848 or use the Contact Us form.Contact Us to learn more about GAP insurance for your car or business. Serving Reading PA, Philadelphia, Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, Allentown, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and beyond.

Tags: Car Insurance Harrisburg PA, Car Insurance Lancaster PA, Affordable Motorcycle Insurance, Car Insurance, Car Insurance Reading PA, Car Insurance Allentown PA, GAP Insurance, Car Insurance Philadelphia PA, Affordable Car Insurance

Umbrella Insurance: Get Protection for Your Income & Assets

Posted by David Ross on Thu, Jan 10, 2013

Do you need umbrella liability insurance? Tips for individuals and business owners in Reading PA, Berks County, Allentown, Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, York, Hershey, Philadelphia, and beyond.Are You at Risk?

Even if you have good automobile and homeowner’s insurance, you may be liable for excessive damages resulting from a major lawsuit.  Consider what would happen if you were to injure a doctor, lawyer, or other highly paid professional in a car or other accident that prevented him from earning his regular income for the rest of his life. A court could easily award damages far exceeding the limits of your auto, watercraft, or homeowner’s insurance policy. Such damages could drastically alter your lifestyle for many years to come.

That’s where umbrella liability insurance comes in.  The right policy will provide the additional protection needed to withstand such an event. 

You May be at Higher Risk for a Lawsuit

Higher-income individuals who cause an accident have a far greater risk of being sued as lawyers seek out those with deep pockets. In such cases an umbrella policy may provide the protection that could be the difference between maintaining your lifestyle vs. paying punitive damages out of pocket for the rest of your life.

An Umbrella Liability Policy May be More Affordable Than You Think

Umbrella liability insurance tends to be more affordable than other types of insurance because it comes into play only after your other insurance has been exhausted.  For example, a $1,000,000 umbrella policy would cover up to an additional $600,000 of protection on a homeowner’s policy with $400,000 of coverage. The same principle applies to automobile and watercraft insurance. Increased savings may be found by purchasing your umbrella policy from the same insurance provider as for your home, car, commercial property, or watercraft.

Commercial Property and Umbrella Insurance

Are you a business owner or landlord? If so, you are at greater risk of incurring a lawsuit. Landlord insurance in the form of an umbrella liability policy can provide additional protection against lawsuits from tenants, as well as from being sued for slander or libel by disgruntled employees.

Do You Have an Adequate Umbrella Policy?

If you would like help in obtaining the right level of insurance protection then please click to contact us, or call us at 800-947-1270.

Affordable umbrella liability insurance for Reading PA, Berks County, Philadelphia, Allentown, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon, York, Pittsburgh, Erie, Pennsylvania and beyond.

Tags: Umbrella Liability Insurance, Homeowners Insurance Lancaster Pa, Homeowners Insurance Philadelphia Pa, Small Business Insurance, Small Business Insurance Reading PA, Landlord Insurance, Car Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Homeowners Insurance Allentown Pa, Homeowners Insurance Reading Pa, Homeowners Insurance Harrisburg PA, Homeowners Insurance York PA, Umbrella Insurance, Commercial Insurance, Business Insurance